Having some issues with OSProperty, not template. So ready to launch, I had tested both back end, front end made my adjustments and everything working fine. I go in today to add some properties with one of the brokers in the front end, and we can get in to edit the profile for the broker, but we cannot get into manage any of the properties I have already assigned to this broker in the back end, nor can we add any properties. The page just loads and never comes up. I have tried as superuser, The broker and just doesnt do anything front end.
I am using this with Joomla 4.2.8
Tried with PHP 8, also PHP 7.4 no changes.
The User level in OSProperty for adding properties is Brokers, all users are set to brokers.
I can add and edit properties in back end as super user fine, not seeing option to edit in the front end.
This had been working when I was building,
Any thoughts or recomendations?