Featured ! Membership Pro

Membership Pro - Joomla Membership Subscription

Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla! membership/subscription extension. It has everything you need to create and sell subscription plans, manage subscriptions and give subscribers access to restricted resources (paid content) on your website.

Version: 4.2.0 Last Updated: Mar 24 2025 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4, Joomla 5

Key Features

Sell Subscription Plans

Create and sell any type of subscription plan to meet your business requirement.

  • Support both free and paid subscription plan.
  • Subscription Expiration: After a specified period of time (Days/Weeks/Months/Year) or on a fixed date (example 31-12-2019) - not depends on the sign up date.
  • One time subscription (manual renewal) or recurring subscription (automatic renewal). For recurring subscription plan, you can also set up trial price and trial duration.
  • Trial unique memberships: Once a subscriber used up the trial he can't renew it or subscribe again to the plan.
  • Renew Options to allow subscribers to renew their subscriptions.
  • Upgrade Options to allow subscribers to upgrade/downgrade his subscription to a higher/lower level subscription plan (for example, from Basic to Pro membership)..
Subscription Plans
Resources Access Restriction

Resources Access Restriction

Monetize your content by giving access to restricted resources(menus, modules, articles, K2 items, urls, documents...) to paid subscribes only.

  • Restrict access to anything on your site using Joomla core ACL method.
  • Restrict access to individual Joomla! article or all articles from certain categories.
  • Restrict access to individual K2 item or all items from certain K2 categories.
  • Restrict access to individual page or all pages from certain categories created by SP Page Builder extension.
  • Restrict access to any pages on your site using Membership Pro URLs Restriction plugin.
  • Use Downloads Manager plugin to give your subscribers download files/documents added for each subscription plan.

Powerful Custom Fields

Create custom fields to collect any information you want from your subscribers.

  • Support 17 field types: Text, Url, Email, Number, Tel, Range, Textarea, List (Select), Checkboxes, Radio, Date, Heading, Message, File, Countries, State, SQL.
  • Each custom field can be assigned to all, one or several selected subscription plans.
  • Conditional Fields: Show/hide a field base on selected option on a another field.
  • Custom Fee Fields: The price which subscribers have to pay for the subscription can be calculated based on what they choose on registration form.
  • Joomla! user groups integration: Assign subscriber to certain Joomla! user group(s) depend on the option(s) he chooses on a custom field.
Powerful Custom Fields
Well Organized, Logical User Profile

Well Organized, Logical User Profile

Subscribers can access to user profile page to:

  • View and update profile data.
  • See list of subscription plans he subscribed to, when it's started, and when it will be expired.
  • See subscriptions history, download invoices for his payments.
  • Choose from one of renew options(if available) and process renewal.
  • Choose from one of upgrade options (if available) and process upgrade/downgrade membership.
  • Cancel recurring subscription.
  • Update credit card data for recurring subscriptions.
  • See restricted resources which are available for his subscriptions and access to the item they want. (articles, documents, k2 items, pages....).

Easy Subscriptions Management

Manage subscriptions from both frontend and backend of your site.

  • List, Filter, Search for subscriptions.
  • Add, Modify, Delete, View subscription.
  • Approve/Publish offline payment subscriptions.
  • Renew, refund a subscription.
  • Cancel a recurring subscription.
  • Export/Import subscriptions into/from CSV/Excel file.
  • Mass Mail selected subscriptions.
  • Resend confirmation email to selected subscription.
Subscription Plans

Noticeable Features

Joomla! User Groups Integration

Use built-in Joomla! Groups plugin, you can setup each subscription plan to:

  • Assign subscribers to selected user groups when they subscribe for the plan.
  • Remove subscribers from selected user groups when their subscription expired.
  • Base on the assigned user groups, you can use powerful Joomla! ACL to control what they can access, what they can do (add/edit/delete items) on your site.

Beautiful, Clean, Responsive Layouts

  • Support most popular frontend frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap 2, 3, 4, 5 and UIkit 3.
  • Adapt itself to work with any templates, so you can use any template you like.
  • 5 layouts options to display subscription plans: Default (list), Columns (grid), Pricing Table, Pricing Table Circle, Pricing Table Flat.
  • 2 layout options to display subscription form: Default and Columns.
  • 2 layout options to display members list: Table and Columns

Flexible Coupons System

Create coupon codes to give your users discount when they subscribe/renew/upgrade their membership.

  • Discount Type: Fixed Amount or Percent.
  • Coupon can be assigned to all or selected subscription plans.
  • For recurring subscription, discount can be applied for first payment or for all payments.
  • Limit total number of times a coupon can be used.
  • Limit number of times a coupon can be used by one subscriber.
  • Specify duration (from date - to date) a coupon can be used.
  • Export/Import coupons to/from CSV/Excel file.
  • Batch Coupons Generation: Allow generating any number of coupons with single click.

Advanced Tax Rules Support

Setup tax rules to charge tax for subscriptions. Taxes in Membership Pro is very powerful and flexible.

  • In the simplest setup, you can have a single/ flat tax rate for the whole system.
  • Each subscription plan can have it own tax rate (you can even disable tax for the plans you want).
  • You can setup diffirent rate rate for each country/state.
  • Fully support EU Tax Rules. You just have to do a single click and Membership Pro will setup all necessary tax rules to make it compatible with EU Tax Rules.

Support 50+ payment gateways

Configure your favourite payment gateways to receive payments from members's subscriptions.

  • The most popular payment gateways: PayPal, Authorize.net (AIM), Eway, Worldpay and Offline Payment plugins come with the extension by default.
  • Other payment gateways such as PayPal Pro, Stripe, 2Checkout, Payfast, Authorize.net SIM (Server integration method) , Mollie... are paid payment plugins, cost 24.99$. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available paid payment plugins.
  • Right now, there are only 7 payment plugins support recurring subscription: PayPal, PayPal Pro, Authorize.net (AIM), Stripe, Stripe Checkout, Mollie and PayFast.
  • There are only 6 payment plugins allow subscribers to cancel recurring subscription directly one your site: PayPal Pro, Authorize.net (AIM), Stripe, Stripe Checkout, Mollie and PayFast.

Powerful Emails Notification System

  • Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register/ sign up for a subscription plan.
  • Confirmation Emails sent to subscribers when they subscribe for a plan or their registration is approved by administrator.
  • Notification Emails sent to administrator when a subscriber update his profile in the frontend.
  • Pre and Post reminder emails sent to subscribers before/after their subscription is expired so that they can be aware of the expiration and renew their subscription.
  • All email messages are configurable, you can edit these messages using your favourite Joomla! WYSIWYG editor.
  • Emails sent from the system can be logged and viewable via Tools -> Emails Logs.

Group Membership

Allow one person (group admin) to subscribe for a group membership plan and then add members, manage subscriptions for whole group. It's useful in case you want to offer membership for whole company/organization or parent subscribe for all their children...

Members Directory

Support displaying, searching for subscribers from one or all subscriptions plan like a members directory. Administrator can configure what fields to be displayed on Members List and Members details page. Subscribers can choose to opt-in themself from this list.

Smart Multilingual

We could be proud to say that we have the smartest solution for multilingual in Joomla. If your site is a multilingual website, you can translate everything in membership pro (categories, plans, form fields, email messages, language items...) to all the languages use on your site.

Schedule, Drip-Feed Content

Scheduling release content (Joomla! articles/ K2 items) to your subscribers X-days after they subscribed for your subscription plans. For example, release first article to subscribers 2 days after they subscribed, release the second article will be released 3 days after they subscribed and so on...

Synchronize Profile Data

Support synchronizing subscriber's data with Joomla! user profile, user custom fields and third party extensions includes: Community Builder, Jomsocial, EasySocial, EasyProfile.

Newsletter Integration

Allow assigning subscribers of each subscription plan to selected mailing lists in ACYMailing, Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign so that you can send newsletters to subscribers whenever you want.

And More Features...


Nested Categories

Organize your subscription plans cross infinite categories and subcategories.


Invoice PDF

Generate and send professional, customizable invoices PDF to subscribers for their paid subscriptions.



Easily find, translate, change language items from administrator area of your site instead of having to edit language files and change it.


Execute PHP Code

Execute custom PHP code after subscription created, become active and become expired using PHP Script plugin.


Limit Subscription

Option to limit number of subscriptions available for purchasing for a subscription plan.


Affiliate Tracking

Third party developers have developed plugin to support affiliate tracking for Membership Pro: Affiliate Tracker and iDevAffiliate.


Member Cards

Generating and allow subscribers to download member cards for each subscribed subscription plans from user profile.


Auto Subscription Creation

Option to create subscription for user automatically when user account is created via Joomla! user registration or management.


Registration Redirect

Force visitors to register via Membership Pro when try try to register via Joomla, Community Builder, JomSocial or EasySocial.


Import/Export Data

Import/Export Subscriptions/Coupons from/to CSV/Excel file.


Migration tools

Migrate data from other dis-continued membership extensions: AEC, Akeeba Subscriptions.


Joomla! Update

Allow updating to new version of Membership Pro redirectly from administrator area of your site.

MP Stripe

MP Stripe

This plugin allows you to use Stripe (https://stripe.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

See MP Stripe vs MP Stripe Checkout to understand the difference between the two stripe payment plugins and choose the right one.

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MP Stripe Checkout

MP Stripe Checkout

This plugin allows you to use Stripe Checkout (https://stripe.com/docs/payments/checkout) payment method (which is SCA compatible) for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

See MP Stripe vs MP Stripe Checkout to understand the difference between the two stripe payment plugins and choose the right one.

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MP Paypal Standard Checkout

MP Paypal Standard Checkout

This plugin allows you to use PayPal Standard Checkout payment gateway option for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paypal Pro

MP Paypal Pro

This plugin allows you to use Paypal Pro payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Mollie

MP Mollie

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via Mollie payment gateway(https://www.mollie.com) in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Authorize.net SIM

MP Authorize.net SIM

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via Authorize.net SIM (server integration method)payment gateway in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PagSeguro

MP PagSeguro

This plugin allows you to use PagSeguro (a Brazil payment gateway) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Payfast

MP Payfast

This plugin allows you to use Payfast payment gateway (https://payfast.io/) for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Squareup Card

MP Squareup Card

This plugin allows you to use accept credit card payment using Squareup (https://squareup.com) in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Braintree

MP Braintree

This plugin allows you to use Braintree payment gateway (https://www.braintreepayments.com) for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Payflow Pro

MP Payflow Pro

This plugin allows you to use Payflow Pro payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Worldpay

MP Worldpay

This plugin allows you to use WorldPay (http://www.worldpay.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Opayo (Sage Pay)

MP Opayo (Sage Pay)

This plugin allows you to use Opayo By Elavon (former Sage Pay) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PayU Latam

MP PayU Latam

This plugin allows you to use PayU Latam (http://www.payulatam.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP NAB Transact

MP NAB Transact

This payment plugin in allows you to accept creditcard payments via NAB Transact(Australia) payment gateway in Membership Pro extension.

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MP CCAvenue

MP CCAvenue

This plugin allows you to use CCAvenue (http://www.ccavenue.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Moneris

MP Moneris

This plugin allows you to use Moneris payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Moneybooker

MP Moneybooker

This plugin allows you to use Moneybookers payment gatewayfor processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP 2Checkout

MP 2Checkout

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via 2Checkout payment gateway in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Securepay

MP Securepay

This plugin allows you to use Securepay payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Migs: MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (Australia)

MP Migs: MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (Australia)

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via Migs: MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (Australia) in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Sofort Überweisung

MP Sofort Überweisung

This plugin allows you to use Sofort Überweisung (https://www.sofort.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Eway Responsive Shared Page

MP Eway Responsive Shared Page

This plugin allows you to use Eway Responsive Shared Page payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via DPS (Payment Express) using their Hosted Payment Page service in Membership Pro extension.

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MP FirstData Payeezy

MP FirstData Payeezy

This plugin allows you to use FirstData Payeezy  payment gatewayfor processing payment in Memebrship Pro extension.

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MP Ipay88

MP Ipay88

This plugin allows you to use IPay88 (a Malaysia payment gateway) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Alertpay

MP Alertpay

This plugin allows you to use Alertpay payment gatewayfor processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP RedSys

MP RedSys

This plugin allows you to use RedSys (http://www.redsys.es) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP TargetPay

MP TargetPay

This plugin allows you to use TargetPay (https://www.targetpay.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP CardSave

MP CardSave

This plugin allows you to use CardSave (https://www.cardsave.net/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Eprocessing Network

MP Eprocessing Network

Eprocessing Network payment plugin for Membership Pro extension .

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MP Buckaroo

MP Buckaroo

This plugin allows you to use Buckaroo (http://www.buckaroo.nl) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Epay

MP Epay

This plugin allows you to use Epay (http://www.epay.dk/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Payu

MP Payu

This plugin allows you to use PayU (https://payu.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Braintree

MP Braintree

This plugin allows you to use Braintree payment gateway (https://www.braintreepayments.com) for processing payment in Membership Pro  extension.

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MP Virtual Merchant (Elavon)

MP Virtual Merchant (Elavon)

This plugin allows you to use VirtualMerchant (Elavon) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP MonsterPay

MP MonsterPay

This payment plugin in allows you to accept creditcard payments via Monsterpay (http://www.monsterpay.com/) in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PayU India

MP PayU India

This plugin allows you to use PayU India (https://payu.in) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP MIGS 3-Party

MP MIGS 3-Party

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via MIGS 3-Party payment gateway in Events Booking extension

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MP Netaxept

MP Netaxept

This plugin allows you to use Netaxept (http://www.betalingsterminal.no/Netthandel-forside/Teknisk-veiledning/Overview/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PaymentExpress PXPay

MP PaymentExpress PXPay

This plugin allows you to use PaymentExpress PX Pay (https://www.paymentexpress.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Quickpay (DK)

MP Quickpay (DK)

This plugin allows you to use Quickpay DK (http://quickpay.net/dk/payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paytrace

MP Paytrace

This plugin allows you to use Paytrace payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP NAB Transact Hosted

MP NAB Transact Hosted

This payment plugin in allows you to accept creditcard payments via NAB Transact(Australia) payment gateway in Membership Pro extension use redirect method.

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MP FirstData Connect

MP FirstData Connect

This plugin allows you to use First Data Connect Gateway (http://www.firstdata.com/product_solutions/ecommerce/global_gateway/index.htm) payment gatewayfor processing payment in Memebrship Pro extension.

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MP MIGS 2-Party

MP MIGS 2-Party

This payment plugin in allows you to accept payments via MIGS 2-Party payment gateway in Membership Pro extension

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MP PaymentExpress PXPost

MP PaymentExpress PXPost

This plugin allows you to use PaymentExpress PX Post (https://www.paymentexpress.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Netbanx

MP Netbanx

This plugin allows you to use Netbanx (http://www1.netbanx.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Pin

MP Pin

This plugin allows you to use PIN (https://pin.net.au) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Securepay DirectPost

MP Securepay DirectPost

This plugin allows you to use Securepay DirectPost (https://www.securepay.com.au/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Offline Creditcard

MP Offline Creditcard

This plugin allows you to collect creditcard information and process payment offline in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Robokassa

MP Robokassa

This plugin allows you to use Robokassa (https://robokassa.com/) payment method for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paygate

MP Paygate

This plugin allows you to use Paygate (https://www.paygate.co.za) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP BluePay

MP BluePay

This plugin allows you to use BluePay (https://www.bluepay.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP FirstData Payeezy

MP FirstData Payeezy

This plugin allows you to use FirstData Payeezy  payment gatewayfor processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Mercadopago

MP Mercadopago

This plugin allows you to use Mecardopago (https://www.mercadopago.cl) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Proextension.

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MP Stripe Card

MP Stripe Card

This payment plugin allows customers to make payment using credit card directly on your website using Stripe payment gateway. Tt is also compatible with SCA requirement.

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MP Paypal Rest

MP Paypal Rest

This plugin uses PAYPAL Rest API to allow customers to make payment using credit card or PayPal account. It does not require PayPal IPN to activate subscription, so it is more reliable than the standard PayPal payment plugin.

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MP Clover Hosted Checkout

MP Clover Hosted Checkout

This plugin allows you to use Clover Hosted Checkout (https://docs.clover.com/docs/hosted-checkout-api) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP BlinkPay Debit

MP BlinkPay Debit

This plugin allows you to use BlinkPay Debit (https://www.blinkpay.co.nz) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PagaDirect

MP PagaDirect

This plugin allows you to use PagaDirect (https://pagadirect.com/) payment method for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Saferpay JSON

MP Saferpay JSON

This plugin allows you to use Saferpay JSON API  (https://saferpay.github.io/sndbx/index.html) for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Cecabank

MP Cecabank

This plugin allows you to use Cecabank (https://www.cecabank.es/eng/) payment gatewayfor processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Hitpay

MP Hitpay

This plugin allows you to use HitPay (https://www.hitpayapp.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Beanstream

MP Beanstream

This plugin allows you to use Beanstream (http://www.beanstream.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP CardSave Hosted

MP CardSave Hosted

This plugin allows you to use CardSave Hosted (https://mms.cardsaveonlinepayments.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Global Gateway E4

MP Global Gateway E4

This plugin allows you to use FirstData Global Gateway E4  payment gatewayfor processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paynow

MP Paynow

This plugin allows you to use Paynow (https://www.paynow.co.zw/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PayGate PayWeb3

MP PayGate PayWeb3

This plugin allows you to use Paygate PayWeb 3 (https://docs.paygate.co.za/#payweb-3) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Billplz

MP Billplz

This plugin allows you to use Billplz (https://www.billplz.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PlugNPay

MP PlugNPay

This plugin allows you to use PlugNPay(https://www.plugnpay.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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This plugin allows you to use USAePay (https://usaepay.info/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PayTabs

MP PayTabs

This plugin allows you to use PayTabs (https://site.paytabs.com/en/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paynamics

MP Paynamics

This plugin allows you to use Paynamics (https://www.paynamics.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Bambora Checkout

MP Bambora Checkout

This plugin allows you to use Bambora Checkout North America payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Westpac

MP Westpac

This plugin allows you to use Westpac (https://www.westpac.com.au/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Payrexx

MP Payrexx

This plugin allows you to use Payrexx (https://payrexx.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PayPlug

MP PayPlug

This plugin allows you to use PayPlug payment gateway (https://www.payplug.com/) for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Paystack

MP Paystack

This plugin allows you to use Paystack (https://paystack.com) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP Revolut

MP Revolut

This plugin allows you to use Revolut (https://www.revolut.com/) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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MP PagBank Checkout

MP PagBank Checkout

This plugin allows you to use PagBank Checkout (a Brazil payment gateway) payment gateway for processing payment in Membership Pro extension.

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Lavida Joomla Template 4.3

Lavida is an ultra-premium, highly-responsive and multi-purpose Joomla template to help everyone build their business website easily. It is built with T4 Framework, Bootstrap 5 and compatible with Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.

Kilix Joomla Template 4.3

KILIX is a professional Multipurpose Joomla Template with unlimited endless posibilities suitable for any kind of business, corporate, blog/news/mag, creative/digital agencies, shop/education/membership site etc.

EventLight Template 1.2

EventLight is a very nice and professional Joomla template - it is designed to elevate your portfolio, corporate, or business websites with our Events Booking extension.


Please visit Membership Pro Change Logs to view change logs.