Featured ! OS Property

OS Property - Joomla Real Estate

OS Property - The best JOOMLA Real Estate extension. It has enormous features which helps you to build the best advertising for your Real Estate properties, with modern layouts and technologies, 100% responsive. We believe OS Property is the best choice for Sale, Lease and Rent Properties Online

Version: 3.21.4 Last Updated: Jul 09 2024 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4, Joomla 5


(Latest version: 3.21.4, released on 07th July 2024)


Adapt to almost Real estate systems, supporting many kind of users, from Real Estate companies to the Agents, Owners, Sellers, Builder, Realtor etc.



OS Property is compatible modern PHP, MySQL versions. Layouts are designed based on HTML5 and CSS3 rules. OS Property extension supports Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4x and Joomla 5

Powerful management tools

Powerful Management

Building a Real estate system is as easy as ABC with OS Property because it provides powerful and flexible tools to manage data from Backend



Easy to configure either free or paid mode. Featured state helps the properties at the top of a listing which inturn makes users to notice them. Extended at the time of renewal.

Custom Locations

Custom Locations

OS Property uses the most popular location structure: Countries - States/ Provinces - Cities, OS Property also includes location data of over 60 countries.

Search Tool

Search Tool

OS Property provices flexible Search tools like Map & Radius Search, Advanced search etc. because we know Search feature is the most important on Real Estate system

Flexible Custom Fields

Flexible Custom Fields

Beside existing core fields of properties, OS Property allows you to add new custom fields to contain information of properties based on your purposes.

Import/ Export

Import/ Export

In case you need to import a large of data from different source ? No worry, OS Property already has tools to import/export properties through CSV or XML files.



Beside many core modules and plugins, OS Property also has features to integrate with third party extensions like Membership Pro, OS Calendar, JComments, JSiteMapPro etc.



SEF is a user friendly URL, that is easy to read and includes words that describe the content of the webpage. It can help visitors remember the Web address and page to search engines.



OS Property is multilingual extension with 8 human translated including. With built-in Translation tool, you will able to translate OS Property content easily.



Responsive feature provides an optimal viewing experience-easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling-across a wide range of devices.

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

You can earn money from your partners through various payment methods like: Paypal, Stripe or Offline payments. Even more plugins will be added in future.

Data migration

Data migration

OS Property provides the functionality to import properties from Ezrealty and IProperty extensions. Contact us to get the tools, they are total free.

Templates support

Templates support

If you feel difficult in setup a Real Estate website? No worry, we have more than 7 attractive Joomla real estate templates. They are easy to install with Quickstart package including.

Those Are Just A Few Main Features, There Are Plenty More


  • Powerful Search tools like Advanced, Radius features

  • Support Free/Paid properties with Standard and Featured type

  • Unlimited Property types like For rent, For lease, For sale etc.

  • Unlimited Real Estate Categories like Apartments, Condo, Villas etc.

  • Supports 6 user types: Agent, Owner, Realtor, Landlord, Buyer, Builder

  • Support Google Map and OpenStreetMap

  • Sending notification emails to user once new property posted

  • Multiple Currencies

  • RSS support

  • Pdf export & Print layout of property details

  • Save Searched list

  • Favorites list

  • Properties comparison

  • User contact

  • Properties sharing

  • Property conveniences

  • Rating & Review

  • DPE chart

  • All picture types supported

  • Image optimization & performance

  • Youtube embeded code and Panorama picture supported


  • Acymaling newsletter

  • OS Membership

  • OS Calendar

  • JSitemap Pro

  • Jcomments


  • Support Joomla ACL

  • Easy to manage data: Properties, Categories, Property types, Custom fields, Amenities, Companies, User, Location etc.

  • Powerful Configuration

  • Bulk CSV/XML import and export

  • Content translation ability

  • Drag & Drop pictures for uploading

  • Grab pictures from different locations

  • Drag & Drop pictures for uploading

  • Flexible themes management tool


  • Ability to manage agents (add/edit)

  • Ability to manage properties (add/edit)

  • Upgrade properties to Featured


  • Multiple Real Estate User types

  • Ability to post and manage properties

  • Upgrade properties to Featured


  • OS Property can be used in one or mutiple countries

  • Easy to Manage & Import location

  • Over 60 location data supported

  • Support multilingual with location data name


  • Powerful properties listing layout

  • Company/ Agent registration

  • Company/ Agent edit profile

  • Compare properties

  • Locator & Radius search

  • Advanced search

  • Add/ Edit properties

  • MLS Search Integration through Iframe

  • Property details

  • List compared properties

  • List favourite properties


  • Full of Meta description for Properties

  • Custom page title & page heading

  • Joomla SEF URLs & SEO support

  • Social share products

  • Facebook and Twitter auto Posting

  • Microdata Rich Snippets

  • Tags system

  • Stopforumspam.com integration

  • Invalid items reporting


  • Payment when adding new property

  • Payment when extending live time

  • Payment when upgrading properties

  • Multiple payment gateways supported


  • Responsive layouts, Mobile Ready

  • Layout overrides

  • jQuery, Ajax and Bootstrap

  • Compatible with any Joomla templates

  • 6 themes supported


  • Slideshow module

  • Advanced search module

  • Quick search module

  • Random Properties module

  • Mortgate module

  • Loan Calculator module

  • Categories listing module

  • Agents listing module

  • Joomla Search plugin

  • Cron job plugin

  • Navigation plugin

Some of Our Customers



The Joomla! OS Property developer team are proud to announce the release of OS Property 3.20.1. This is a first release for the 3.21.x series of OS Property with new improvements and addresses issues introduced in previous versions.

09th July 2024 - New version 3.21.4
- Fix issue when installing package on PHP 8.2 
- Fix issue in locator search function
- Fix issue in price group option creating

07th June  2024 - New version 3.21.3
- Add various improvements in core functions and layouts
- Fix issues in previous versions

26th February 2024 - New version 3.21.2
- Add ordering option for properties
- Add more market statuses for properties
- Improve CSV Import and Export functions
- Improve Backend layout in Darkmode - Joomla 5
- Improve layouts of component
- Fix Joomla 5 compatible issues
- Removing Grab images function

04th December 2023 - New version 3.21.1
- Terminate using of Mootools in component
- Improve XML Import tool
- Removing Backup and Restore functions
- Improve Photo Ajax Upload
- Fix some Joomla 5 compatible issues
- Fix issues on Agent and Company registration
- Fix issue on Payment functions

What new in OS Property 3.21.0

 1. Joomla 5 compatible

 The most important “feature” of Joomla 5.0 is removing deprecated code. This makes Joomla future-proof. And from now, you can install and test OS Property on Joomla 5 normally.


 2. Replacing cron tasks (Joomla 4++ environment)

In previous Joomla 3 versions, you can setup cron task on your servers to cron task files in OS Property

  • root -> components -> com_osproperty -> cron.php
  • root -> components -> com_osproperty -> importcsv.php

But from Joomla 4 version, this way won't work anymore. To replace it, we develop 2 system plugins:

  • System plugin - OS Property cron task - Alerts notification
  • System plugin - Import CSV

Those plugins are use to check and send alert notification to users and importing properties from CSV files. With those plugins, you can setup cron tasks from your server to call the direct links on your site by this command

By default, OS Property uses a system plugin to trigger sending alert notifications. That mean it requires someone access to the site (search engine bots are also counted) to trigger process. Sometime, it is not reliable or causes multiple emails sent to administrators in case your site has a very high traffic. To address that limitation, you can setup cron job from your hosting account to trigger sending reminder notifications instead. Please see detailed instructions below:

  1. Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find the plugin OS Property - Cron task - Alert notification and OS Property - Cron task - Import CSV, click on it to edit. You should see a parameter called Trigger Code . Enter a secret string there.
  2. Setup a cron job to make a request to this URL using CURL (note that you should use the CURL so that the variable can be passed in the GET request, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11375260/cron-command-to-run-url-address-every-5-minutes for detailed instructions


  • Replace https://domain.com/ with URL of your site
  • Replace SECRETCODE with the secret string which you entered in the Trigger Code parameter

That will make the reminder only processed when there is a request made to that URL (which should be secret as no real users will access to that URL). It will make it more reliable compare to replying a system plugin.

3. Improve source code

We continuously change and improve the code structure to make the product work better, faster and meet the strict requirements of users.


Screen Shot 2021 09 07 at 17.02.13


4. Bugs fixed

Various bugs in previous versions fixed.



Ossolution team

OS Calendar

OS Calendar

OS Calendar is an availability calendar for OS Property, it is the leading Holiday, Properties / Booking application for Joomla

Buy Now ( $39.99 )
JComments plugin for OS Property

JComments plugin for OS Property

This is a plugin for OS Property component. The plugin allows to add comments to OS Property properties. For successful work of the plugin OS Property is needed

Download ( Free )
Google Adsense plugin for OS Property

Google Adsense plugin for OS Property

Google Adsense Plugin allows you to insert the adsense responsive banners into your OS Property items. It takes less than five minutes and you can start earning money from adsense.

Download ( Free )
OS Ajax search

OS Ajax search

OS Property Ajax search module changes your concept about the search modules.
Simple design, real-time working and much more performance than you have ever seen on real estate websites. There are many real estate web pages nowadays, but make yours a unique one. Searching for a properties in OS Property system never was so easy with this module. Impress your customers with the clean design and increase your site usability!

Download ( Free )

OSP Home 1.0

OSP Home is a Real estate Joomla template for Real Estate sites based on complete new T4 Joomla template framework. Integrate Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 5 and advanced features including layout builder, theme customization tool

OSP Home Search 3.0

This won’t be the first time you look for a Joomla real estate template, but it will be the last time. Because with OSP Home Search you have more than you could ever want or need. Whether you know it or not, many of the websites you visit are powered by directories.

OSP Real Homes 3.7

OSP Real homes is a versatile Responsive Joomla template for Real Estate Websites and supports both Joomla 3.x & Joomla 2.5.x. It has nice & clean design and it comes loaded with tons of useful features like Advanced Google Map Search with property location markers.

OSP Real Estate 10.0

OSP Real Estate is a versatile Responsive Joomla template for Real Estate Websites and supports both Joomla 4.x and Joomla 5
OSP Real Estate also supports RTL Language Layouts and especially it is designed to use with OS Property extension.

OSP Realty 2.0

OSP Realty is clean & flexible Real Estate Joomla template based on T4 framework. It suits for OS Property extension and supports both Joomla 4.x & Joomla 5.x, it also supports RTL Language Layouts