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Quick Search module + slide show

  • Viktor
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9 years 7 months ago #62341 by Viktor
Quick Search module + slide show was created by Viktor
Good day!
I'm using OSP Template and OSP property component and I'd like to get an idea how to publish on my home page of the website modules "slide show" and "quick search" in the same way it's made on demo page? First - because it's a good idea to put a search module right in front of customer face. Second - it looks awesome.
What I tried to do was:
  1. put slide show on position 'slideshow' (according to module positions map), published it and set up ordering to 1st
  2. put quick search on the same 'slideshow' position, published it and set ordering to 2nd
Then I refreshed the website and saw that "quick search" module is somewhere UNDER the "slide show" module. I checked options and settings for modules but found nothing. Can you help me to solve this issue?

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