i would like to emulate something like this for crowdsourcing instead of just donations.
first view page:
crowdsourcing example 1
when you click the donate it goes here and moves on from there:
crowdsourcing example 2
is there a way i can do this with your module?
here is a link to some background info to see the methods involved.
actually this might help also. looks like only "amazon flexible payments service" supports this all or nothing credit card charge method. could you maybe add support for amazon?
from the faq:
Do I have to pay with Amazon? Why can’t I use Paypal? Why can't Kickstarter just take my credit card info?
Kickstarter uses Amazon's Flexible Payments Service, which enables our all-or-nothing funding method. No other credit card processor currently supports our requirements. We're always talking with other companies and exploring other services, so expect more options in the future.
to take it 1 step further or maybe even easier since you have paypal integrated could you do the same function with Paypal's
Adaptive Payments