Questions about Payment Form extension

Payment Form version 4.0 released

  • Tuan Pham Ngoc
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9 years 6 months ago #67909 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Payment Form version 4.0 released was created by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Dear customers

Today, we just released version 4.0 of Payment Form. This is a minor release contains some small improvements :

1. It prevent users from accessing to payment record data when they know URL of the payment completed page.

2. Provide two extra offline payment method. In case you want to use extra offline payment methods (cheque, cash.....) to provide users different payment options, you can download these offline payment plugin here and install it to your site.

If you want to use this new version (just a minor update), you can login, access to My Downloads menu item, see your order and download latest version from there



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9 years 6 months ago #68325 by sam perugini
Replied by sam perugini on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Hi Tuan

These updates are fine but they need to allow us to enter our own banking info. I tested an offline payment and my email has you banking info which I assume is hard coded somewhere....this needs to be replaced with some text area to allow me to put my banking details in so customer knows what to do.....and this bank data needs to be viewable in the form so customer can see this info....or maybe make this bit optional so can be displayed either in the form or in the email after processing the order.

Sam P

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #68340 by Brian F
Replied by Brian F on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Regarding the email messages, those are located under the "Messages" tab within the "Configuration": "Event Booking > Configuration > Messages tab". For the offline payment email: "User email body (offline payment)".

Regarding showing the details in the form, we're using the Offline Payment plugin as a "Pay By Check" option, and then using jQuery to show a "where to mail the check" message (the info is in the email message as well) below the "Pay By Check" radio group when that radio button is clicked. Maybe Tuan will add a feature such as that in the future :)

sam perugini wrote: Hi Tuan

These updates are fine but they need to allow us to enter our own banking info. I tested an offline payment and my email has you banking info which I assume is hard coded somewhere....this needs to be replaced with some text area to allow me to put my banking details in so customer knows what to do.....and this bank data needs to be viewable in the form so customer can see this info....or maybe make this bit optional so can be displayed either in the form or in the email after processing the order.

Sam P

Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Brian F.

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  • Tuan Pham Ngoc
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9 years 6 months ago #68361 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
@Brian: Thanks for your answer. However, the question is for Payment Form, not for Events Booking.


The bank account you are talking about is just a fake bank account, it is not mine :). To change it, go to Payment Form -> Configuration, look at Messages tab, see the message and change it to include your own bank account. With the version 4.0, if you use more than one offline payment plugins, you can enter bank account information for all these offline payment plugins as well



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9 years 6 months ago #68396 by Brian F
Replied by Brian F on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Ah, sorry, meant to type "Payment Form > Config..."; I have both installed :)

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  • Tuan Pham Ngoc
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9 years 6 months ago #68477 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Ah, OK. I thought you were talking about wrong extension :).

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9 years 6 months ago #68534 by sam perugini
Replied by sam perugini on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Thanks guys thats ok and handy but I need to display bank details in the form before payment is made. How do I change that? or I want to add image to teh paypal option. Where can I change the code in the form to display my own text.

This should also be an option in the form eg: Description. which can be optional.

Sam P

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #68740 by Brian F
Replied by Brian F on topic Payment Form version 4.0 released
Hi Sam. We were in a rush and needed a quick down and dirty way to show an offline message within the form, so I quickly added the below code to my template's JS file - which may not be the ideal way (and not fully correctly written) but I didn't have time to mess with it.

I'd have to look at your template's JS file to see how your "(document).ready" starts out and how the jQuery function is passed, but the below code will go inside your ready function.

I created a variable of the info we needed (add whatever info there), and the code then adds that variable after the os_offline radio element group, hides that variable on page load, and then will slide open when the os_offline radio is checked (and hidden when not checked). Not the prettiest in the world but did what I needed.
// Form Offline Message var offlineMessage = '<div class="offline-message" style="padding-left: 15px;">' + '<h3>Bank Information</h3>' + '<p>Bank information below:</p>' + '<div class="bank-address" style="border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 10px; max-width: 300px;"><strong>Bank Name</strong><br>' + 'bank info<br>' + 'more bank info<br>' + 'even more bank info' + '</div>' + '</div>'; $('form#os_form :radio[name="payment_method"][value="os_offline"]').parent().after(offlineMessage); $('.offline-message').hide(); $('form#os_form :radio[name="payment_method"]').change(function () { if ($('form#os_form :radio[name="payment_method"][value="os_offline"]').is(':checked')){ $('.offline-message').stop(true,true).show(200); } else { $('.offline-message').stop(true,true).hide(200); } }); // End Form Offline Message
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Brian F.

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