Questions about Payment Form extension

Payment Form - Authorize.NET Sandbox

11 years 2 months ago #39511 by James
I have the Payment Form extension installed on my Joomla 2.5.17 site and in the "Payment Plugins" section under the Authorize.NET plugin there is a Authorize.NET mode selection which allows you to set "Live Mode" or "Test Mode". What is the purpose of the this button? I believe it's to select whether you are connected to a Authorize.NET production account or a developer account and therefore changes the POST url from " " if you select Test Mode to " " if you select "Live Mode". I think the verbiage needs to be changed if that is the case - it's misleading.

The reason I'm asking is because, when I submit a transaction with this set to "Test Mode" the transactions aren't recorded in my developer account even though they go through successfully. I'm wondering if the x_test_request=true isn't being removed from the POST or the value isn't being changed to false as this needs to be done for the transactions to be recorded according to the developer FAQ here .

Can somebody tell me if the POST x_test_request=true is set to false? Am I correct on my assumptions here?

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  • Tuan Pham Ngoc
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11 years 2 months ago #39651 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: Payment Form - Authorize.NET Sandbox
Hi James

The purpose of the test mode is that developer can test the payment with a test account. Don't worry about, it has been using on all of my extensions with many customers and it is working well.

I think to make sure it works, you can ask your customers to make a payment with a live account (maybe with 1$ transaction) to prove that it works !

Sorry for could not reply you earlier. The internet connection in our country has been so bad in the last few days and there is no way for me to access to the website to reply to customers' questions :(.


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11 years 2 months ago #39967 by James
Replied by James on topic Re: Payment Form - Authorize.NET Sandbox
My users are using the sandbox and the transactions, even though successfull on our site, aren't being recorded in the Authorize.NET account. According to this FAQ question on the Authorize.NET website you have to have the Authorize.NET sandbox account set to LIVE MODE (which I do) and the POST variable x_test_request has to be set to true. Do you know if it's set to true or false through your extension?

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  • Tuan Pham Ngoc
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11 years 2 months ago #39981 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: Payment Form - Authorize.NET Sandbox
Hi James

If in the authorize,net payment plugin in Payment Form, You set to Live Mode, then x_test_request will be set to FALSE. If you set it to Test Mode, then x_test_request will be set to TRUE.


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