Questions about Payment Form extension

using Payment Form to sell legal advice?

11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 1 month ago #37645 by tony
[SORRY, wrong forum; please move it to Payment Form forum. Thanks]
Hi all,
I'm searching for a joomla extension that allows visitors to ask for legal advice by paying a little fee.

The visitor should submit a question and pay a fixed amount using your Payment Form extension. Once the visitor has payed, he will get his legal advice by email.

So the question here is: how can I know which visitor payed for legal advice? How can I get back to the visitor after he payed? is there a way to include in the form a user ID or "first name" and "last name" and his "question" so that I'll get a clue and send the related legal advice to the correct visitor?
TIA for any suggestion.

Last edit: 11 years 1 month ago by tony. Reason: wrong forum

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11 years 4 months ago #37722 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: using Payment Form to sell legal advice?
Hi Tony

That's easy because when users submitting the form and make payment, there will be a notification email sent to you include all the information he entered on the form (First Name, Last Name, Email, the question...).

You can also look at the Payment Management section from back-end of Payment Form to view list and find the detail information of a payment record !



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