Questions about Payment Form extension

Not receiving admin notification

  • breeze29
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11 years 10 months ago #29799 by breeze29
Not receiving admin notification was created by breeze29
For some reason, admin notifications are not being received. In config settings, email address is correctly entered. I'm having same issue with Event Booking too.

Community Builder user registration notifications are being sent successfully so it appears to be an issue with the extensions.

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11 years 10 months ago #29812 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
What payment method you are using ? What is the status of the payment record after users completed payment ?

Please let me know so that I can check it more details.


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  • breeze29
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11 years 10 months ago #29819 by breeze29
Replied by breeze29 on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
It's FirstData... the payment processor we all hate. For Payment Form, it successfully processed the user's payment but the payment record is the is no record at all in the Joomla Payment Form backend.

For Events Booking, the payment status is "Pending" for all registrations received.

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  • breeze29
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11 years 10 months ago #29868 by breeze29
Replied by breeze29 on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
when we test it today, Payment Form recorded the transaction and sent the confirmation email and notification email. It worked perfectly.

Event Booking with FirstData plugin does everything perfectly when Pay Later is selected. Today, it also recorded the registration after successful credit card via FirstData, showed correct registration status and sent the confirmation email AND the notification email.

I do not know why there was difficulty yesterday. My guess is that it was a problem with FirstData or with the host server. We will continue to monitor. Thanks for your help and thanks for the great extensions.

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11 years 10 months ago #29904 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Oh, OK! Then might be a problem with First Data itself. Glad to hear that it works well now .


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11 years 9 months ago #31572 by orware
Replied by orware on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Hi Tuan,

We are using the software on one of our sites as well and this occurs for us too occasionally with the PayPal plugin.

I haven't tried investigating it because it happens so infrequently, but I'd like to know if you have any idea of what might be causing it?

The main issue it causes for us is an incorrect number of registrants on the frontend (I'm not even sure if the data is in the database and just marked in a way that doesn't allow it to be displayed or what) so someone can register and be correctly marked as "Registered" and take up an additional slot for a course that might not have any more seats (so it allows the event to go over the number of registrants allowed).

The site in question is and the ones that have recently exhibited the issue (twice in the last few days) are the Summer Swim classes towards the bottom of the page.

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11 years 9 months ago #31573 by orware
Replied by orware on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Just received an update from the staff member keeping track of the registrations and she compared the number of registrants within the software against the number of PayPal receipts that had been received and it looks like the number is actually more than I reported earlier.

On top of the 2 where the people had already called and made here aware, there were an additional 10 people who had not been registered by the system that had paid via PayPal.

If there are any ideas/suggestions you might have I'd appreciate it!

Thank you,


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11 years 9 months ago #31598 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Hi Omar

there were an additional 10 people who had not been registered by the system that had paid via PayPal.

Does this happens for all registrants or just some of registrants ? If it is just sometime happens, I am afraid of it is difficult for us to solve it. The reason is because the extension reply on Paypal IPN to update status and register the registrants.

From the last few months, it seems there is something wrong with Paypal system. It happens on our website as well. Sometime, there are payment but Paypal doesn't notify our system.

If it is the case, I would like to ask you to wait it for few more time. Next time, when you receive payment but didn't receive notification from EB, please contact me so that we can check it together. We need to check IPN History of your Paypal account and make sure Paypal IPN is sent properly !



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11 years 9 months ago #31655 by orware
Replied by orware on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Typically it's only happened for some registrants, but this was the first time I saw so many all at once from what they were reporting to me (typically it's one or two every so often so it hasn't been much of an issue and we could just work around it).

I'll take a look at the IPN History and see if there's anything else I can figure out (if it's PayPal then there isn't too much we can do there :-).

Thanks Tuan,


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11 years 9 months ago #31683 by orware
Replied by orware on topic Re: Not receiving admin notification
Hi Tuan,

I took a look at the PayPal IPN History this morning and every IPN listed shows a status of "Sent" so it seems like PayPal was doing what it was supposed to.

I'm going to send the list over to the people looking at the registrants this morning to see if they can figure anything else out, but if the IPN History was supposed to show something out of the ordinary to me, it didn't.

Any other ideas?


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