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How to change money format on slider

  • Mr. Dam
  • Topic Author
  • Online
  • Administrator
  • Administrator
10 years 3 months ago #48767 by Mr. Dam
How to change money format on slider was created by Mr. Dam
Some customers ask us that they want to change the money format on the "Price" slider in the search form. The current money format is: 12,456,789
They want to change to: 12.456.789 And here is the solution.
1. Open file:
components > com_osproperty > helpers > helper.php
2 Find
public static function showPriceFilter($option_id,$min_price,$max_price,$property_type,$style,$prefix){
global $configClass;

$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery("Select price from #__osrs_properties order by price desc limit 1");
$max_price_value = $db->loadResult();
$db->setQuery("Select price from #__osrs_properties order by price limit 1");
$min_price_value = $db->loadResult();

if(intval($max_price) == 0){
$max_price = $max_price_value;
if($min_price_value == $max_price_value){
$min_price_value = 0;
if($configClass == 1){


//$document->addScript(" ");
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
jQuery.ui.slider.prototype.widgetEventPrefix = 'slider';
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>sliderange" ).slider({
range: true,
min: <?php echo intval($min_price_value);?>,
max: <?php echo intval($max_price_value);?>,
values: [ <?php echo intval($min_price);?>, <?php echo intval($max_price);?> ],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var price_from = ui.values[ 0 ];
var price_to = ui.values[ 1 ];
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input1" ).val( price_from );
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input1" ).val( price_to );

price_from = price_from.formatMoney(0,',','.');
price_to = price_to.formatMoney(0,',','.');

jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input" ).text( price_from );
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input" ).text( price_to );
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(decPlaces, thouSeparator, decSeparator) {
var n = this,
decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces,
decSeparator = decSeparator == undefined ? "." : decSeparator,
thouSeparator = thouSeparator == undefined ? "," : thouSeparator,
sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(decPlaces)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return sign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thouSeparator : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thouSeparator) + (decPlaces ? decSeparator + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(decPlaces).slice(2) : "");
<div id="<?php echo $prefix;?>sliderange"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
if(strpos($prefix,"adv") === FALSE)
$span = "span5";
$style = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;";
$style1 = "text-align:right;";
$style2 = "text-align:left;";
$input_class_name = "input-mini";
$span = "span6";
$style = "";
$style1 = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;text-align:left;";
$style2 = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;text-align:right;";
$input_class_name = "input-small";
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="<?php echo $span?>" style="<?php echo $style;?><?php echo $style1?>">
<?php if(strpos($prefix,"adv") !== FALSE){?>
<?php echo JText::_('OS_MIN')?>(<?php echo HelperOspropertyCommon::loadCurrency();?>).
<?php } ?>
<!-- <input type="text" name="min_price_show" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input" value="<?php echo number_format($min_price,0,'',',');?>" class="<?php echo $input_class_name;?>" disabled/> -->
<span id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input"><?php echo number_format($min_price,0,'',',');?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="min_prmin_price_showice" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input1" value="<?php echo $min_price;?>"/>
if(strpos($prefix,"adv") === FALSE)
<div class="span2" style="margin-left:0px;margin-top:10px;text-align:center;">
<?php }?>
<div class="<?php echo $span?>" style="<?php echo $style;?><?php echo $style2?>">
<?php if(strpos($prefix,"adv") !== FALSE){?>
<?php echo JText::_('OS_MAX')?>(<?php echo HelperOspropertyCommon::loadCurrency();?>).
<?php } ?>
<!-- <input type="text" name="max_price_show" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input" value="<?php echo number_format($max_price,0,'',',');?>" class="<?php echo $input_class_name;?>" disabled/>-->
<span id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input"><?php echo number_format($max_price,0,'',',');?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="max_price" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input1" value="<?php echo $max_price;?>"/>
echo HelperOspropertyCommon::generatePriceList($property_type,$price,$style);

and replace by
public static function showPriceFilter($option_id,$min_price,$max_price,$property_type,$style,$prefix){
global $configClass;

$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery("Select price from #__osrs_properties order by price desc limit 1");
$max_price_value = $db->loadResult();
$db->setQuery("Select price from #__osrs_properties order by price limit 1");
$min_price_value = $db->loadResult();

if(intval($max_price) == 0){
$max_price = $max_price_value;
if($min_price_value == $max_price_value){
$min_price_value = 0;
if($configClass == 1){


$document->addStyleSheet(" ");
//$document->addScript(" ");
<script src=" " type="text/javascript">
jQuery.ui.slider.prototype.widgetEventPrefix = 'slider';
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>sliderange" ).slider({
range: true,
min: <?php echo intval($min_price_value);?>,
max: <?php echo intval($max_price_value);?>,
values: [ <?php echo intval($min_price);?>, <?php echo intval($max_price);?> ],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var price_from = ui.values[ 0 ];
var price_to = ui.values[ 1 ];
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input1" ).val( price_from );
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input1" ).val( price_to );

price_from = price_from.formatMoney(0,'.',',');
price_to = price_to.formatMoney(0,'.',',');

jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input" ).text( price_from );
jQuery( "#<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input" ).text( price_to );
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(decPlaces, thouSeparator, decSeparator) {
var n = this,
decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces,
decSeparator = decSeparator == undefined ? "," : decSeparator,
thouSeparator = thouSeparator == undefined ? "." : thouSeparator,
sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(decPlaces)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return sign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thouSeparator : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thouSeparator) + (decPlaces ? decSeparator + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(decPlaces).slice(2) : "");
<div id="<?php echo $prefix;?>sliderange"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
if(strpos($prefix,"adv") === FALSE)
$span = "span5";
$style = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;";
$style1 = "text-align:right;";
$style2 = "text-align:left;";
$input_class_name = "input-mini";
$span = "span6";
$style = "";
$style1 = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;text-align:left;";
$style2 = "margin-top:10px;margin-left:0px;text-align:right;";
$input_class_name = "input-small";
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="<?php echo $span?>" style="<?php echo $style;?><?php echo $style1?>">
<?php if(strpos($prefix,"adv") !== FALSE){?>
<?php echo JText::_('OS_MIN')?>.
<?php } ?>
<!-- <input type="text" name="min_price_show" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input" value="<?php echo number_format($min_price,0,'',',');?>" class="<?php echo $input_class_name;?>" disabled/> -->
<span id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input"><?php echo number_format($min_price,0,'','.');?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="min_prmin_price_showice" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_from_input1" value="<?php echo $min_price;?>"/>
if(strpos($prefix,"adv") === FALSE)
<div class="span2" style="margin-left:0px;margin-top:10px;text-align:center;">
<?php }?>
<div class="<?php echo $span?>" style="<?php echo $style;?><?php echo $style2?>">
<?php if(strpos($prefix,"adv") !== FALSE){?>
<?php echo JText::_('OS_MAX')?>.
<?php } ?>
<!-- <input type="text" name="max_price_show" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input" value="<?php echo number_format($max_price,0,'',',');?>" class="<?php echo $input_class_name;?>" disabled/>-->
<span id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input"><?php echo number_format($max_price,0,'','.');?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="max_price" id="<?php echo $prefix;?>price_to_input1" value="<?php echo $max_price;?>"/>
echo HelperOspropertyCommon::generatePriceList($property_type,$price,$style);

Good luck

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Moderators: Mr. DamNguyen Phu Quan