ERROR42 - Failed to update contact: ??COM_CONTACT

12 years 5 months ago #19258 by Amjad
I am using joomla 2.5.7. I get this error when submitting membership pro form on second page of registration... 42 - **Failed to update contact: ??COM_CONTACT_WARNING_SAME_NAME??** but when I refresh the error page it shows membership confirmation page, creates contact and send email confirmation email. It also activates the subscription on offline payment mode even without payment no pending. I enabled the debug please see the result below:

*Failed to update contact: ??COM_CONTACT_WARNING_SAME_NAME??**

Call stack
# Function Location
1 JSite->dispatch() /public_html/index.php:42
2 JComponentHelper::renderComponent() /public_html/includes/application.php:197
3 JComponentHelper::executeComponent() /public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:351
4 require_once() /public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:383
5 JController->execute() /public_html/components/com_osmembership/osmembership.php:56
6 OSMembershipController->process_subscription() /public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:761
7 OSMembershipModelRegister->processSubscription() /public_html/components/com_osmembership/controller.php:202
8 OSMembershipHelper->saveRegistration() /public_html/components/com_osmembership/models/register.php:45
9 UsersModelRegistration->register() /public_html/components/com_osmembership/helper/helper.php:816
10 JUser->save() /public_html/components/com_users/models/registration.php:337
11 JDispatcher->trigger() /public_html/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:827
12 JEvent->update() /public_html/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:161
13 plgUserContactCreator->onUserAfterSave() /public_html/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:71
14 JError::raiseError() /public_html/plugins/user/contactcreator/contactcreator.php:99
15 JError::raise() /public_html/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251

JROOT/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_osmembership.sys.ini : error(s) in line(s) 1, 3, 5, 6, 8

Please help and thank you in advance

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12 years 5 months ago #19279 by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Replied by Tuan Pham Ngoc on topic Re: ERROR42 - Failed to update contact: ??COM_CONTACT
Hi All

I checked the site and found that the issue causes by a plugin called User - Contact Creator. If anyone has this issue, please go to Extensions-> Plugins manager, find the plugin User - Contact Creator, unpublish it and the issue will be solved.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Amjad

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