I'm working on the design of a donation form.
Specifically on the design of the pre-defined amounts.
I've chosen to display them as radio buttons in the configuration.
I would like to replace radio button inputs with images.
It is a work in progress but you can see the result here:
You can notice that for the moment I've chosen to let radio buttons visible beside images.
But I would prefer to hide them and to change the aspect of my images when an amount is selected.
For that I would need that the 'checked' attribute to be displayed in the radio input tag when selected.
In components/com_jdonation/view/donation/tmpl/default.php I see that there is some test to display or not the cheched attribute: line 572-577 and line 581 (<?php echo $checked ; ?>).
But in the rendered form I don't see the checked attribute neither in my form nor in a joomdonation demo form.
Am i misanderstood something?
Best regards