Discounts, Bundles, Coupons

7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #97979 by Niall
Discounts, Bundles, Coupons was created by Niall
Would it be possible to assign based on category rather than just specific events?
For example if we offered a coupon code to save 25% on all classes until May 31, we must manually assign the coupon to every class. Ideally we would assign to the Category Classes and have it expire based on date. There are other services that are not classes and are in a separate category.
Situation 2, if we want to allow the client to save $10 when registering for two events the same week (cart enabled) I have to add a custom field for the user to manually check to apply the savings. There is no way to prevent the client from selecting the option if only registering for one day.

Events that have past their expiration date should NOT be displayed in the dropdown lists for Coupons and Discount Bundles.

Discount Bundles are NOT CURRENTLY INCLUDED in the documentation.

Thank you again.
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by Niall.

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